As announced earlier on the official Kanotix website we have released Kanotix Dragonfire at the LinuxTag 2013 in Berlin:
Kanotix Dragonfire is based on the recently released Debian 7 (wheezy). Beside KDE as default desktop environment beginning with this release exists a lightweight alternative with LXDE as desktop environment.
Check out the full Release Announcement at kanotix.com for more details and download links.
- KDE SC 4.8.4 respectively LXDE (Openbox or Compiz) with PCManFM 1.1.0
Kernel 3.9.0 (Ubuntu rebased 3.9.2) + UVD patches
Libre Office (KDE images only)
KDE-special image gfxdetect. The extra 3D graphics drivers from nvidia and AMD are already preinstalled. Depending on the detection of a graphics card hardware from NVIDIA (series 8 or newer) or AMD (HD 5000 or newer), the correct driver will be activated. That is very nice for installations on external harddisks.
- Multi-Hybrid-ISO with GRUB2 (2.00-13) as bootloader and extended isohybrid-acritox features:
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 KDE 32 bit – ISO (1.2 GB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 KDE 64 bit – ISO (1.2 GB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 KDE Special 32 bit – ISO (1.2 GB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 KDE Special 64 bit – ISO (1.3 GB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 LXDE 32 bit – ISO (694 MB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 LXDE 64 bit – ISO (749 MB) | md5 | zsync
Kanotix Dragonfire LinuxTag 2013 4in1 (32 + 64 bit KDE Special + LXDE) – ISO (3.9 GB) | md5 | zsync