
Nightly builds

Nightly builds are automated builds every night of the latest development code of KANOTIX and with the latest packages from the repositories.

This process is fully automated, they are not tested at all, so be warned and expect them to have bugs or be completly broken from time to time...

You can find the images at:


new kanotix64- and kanotix32-trialshots:


new kanotix64- and kanotix32-trialshots:






  • Kanotix Dragonfire: Debian Wheezy + KDE 4.8.1 (own backports)
  • Kernel 3.2.0-18.29kanotix1
  • Multi-Hybrid-ISO with GRUB2 as bootloader and extended isohybrid-acritox features:
  • integrated gfxoverlays (nvidia 295.20 + 173.14.31 + 96.43.20 and fglrx 11-11 [fglrx is probably broken, I don't have any hardware to test it])
  • AcritoxInstaller 0.2.24
  • LibreOffice 3.5


Note: I just tried out building an image with some new stuff: live-build 3, wheezy, KDE 4.8, ... - it's not tested and not intended to be actually used or installed, so do not expect any further support or updates for this ISO...

  • Hybrid-ISO with GRUB2 as bootloader (Note: embedded GRUB2EFI is x64, but this is a 32bit ISO, so it probably won't boot with EFI... hybrid-USB-stick live-partitioning should work though it's broken)
  • Kernel 3.2.0-1-686-pae (+ndiswrapper 1.57 [dkms])
  • Debian Wheezy + Zevenos-Neptune Repository (KDE 4.8)
  • AcritoxInstaller 0.2.24
  • LibreOffice 3.5
  • built with live-build 3


  • integrated gfxoverlays (nvidia 295.20 + 173.14.31 + 96.43.20 and fglrx 11-11)
  • GRUB2-bootloader live + "Disable cache for huge files"-patch
  • Bootable via GRUB2-EFI (live, included in ISO9660)
  • All-in-One hybrid-ISO for PC (GRUB2 in MBR and El Torito), EFI-PC (GRUB2-EFI on FAT partition and ISO9660) and Mac (GRUB2-EFI on hidden Apple-Partition-Map/HFS+ partition): ISO can be booted both from DVD and USB-stick; non-HFS EFI-partitions are now hidden from the Mac OS Bootloader
  • hybrid-ISO feature: USB-stick with hybrid-ISO can be made persistent from the live-system
  • Kernel 3.2.0-17.27kanotix1 (+aufs3 +ndiswrapper 1.57), linux-firmware 1.71
  • Debian Squeeze backports enabled
  • Iceweasel 10.0 + german l10n
  • AcritoxInstaller 0.2.24
  • LibreOffice 3.5

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